Here you will find our available master's theses divided across COAT's various modules. If you desire a different project, please contact the module leader who best matches your topic.
COAT arctic fox module has one available MSc-thesis project at the moment: What can we learn from tooth wear about diet and food limitation of red foxes in the low Arctic?
COAT small rodent module works with climate change impacts on tundra, mediated through changes in small rodent population cycles.
We have several MSc-thesis topics available, for example:
- How do rodents modify vegetation of their key habitats? Can this counteract climate change -driven vegetation changes? – working with an existing exclosure experiment with five years of data
- Do mild winters with icy snow lead to lower vole survival and dampened population cycles? This topic would focus on analyses of 15 years of vole and snow data.
- How are shrew population dynamics connected to small rodents? Some studies have found this, but their methods for measuring shrews have not specifically targeted these. We have a unique 10-year year-round camera trapping dataset that collects data on both rodents and shrews. Analyses of these data may include seasonal and multiannual dynamics of shrews and their connection to rodents.
- The same camera trapping dataset gives opportunities to study interactions between vole species, such as temporal synchrony and space use.
- Developing methods of measuring snow conditions using below-snow camera traps
- Spatial dynamics of a small rodent predator (the long-tailed skua). This thesis topic would focus on analyses of a 20-year dataset on skua nesting success.