
COAT field logistics and infrastructure

COAT data sampling system is geographically distributed and COAT field infrastructure consists of:

  • Instrumentation system, including weather stations, camera traps, exclosures etc. Data from the instrumentation system will be available through COAT data portal.
  • Field logistics; hereunder transport units and minor overnight facilities (eg. cabins and tents).

COAT is currently implementing the infrastructure. Therefore, only parts of it are implemented and available. Data from our three working weather stations in Varanger (Bergebydalen, Torvhaugdalen og Reinhaugen) and our three working weather stations in Svalbard (ReindalspassetJanssonhaugen og Istjørndalen) can be downloaded from Seklima. More information will be added to these pages as the infrastructure implementation advances.


External projects can apply to use COAT field logistics. Look in Svalbard and Varanger for details on what kinds of logistics COAT have available, and how to access these.

Access to COAT logistics is based on scientific quality and contribution of the external projects, evaluated by the relevant research module leaders. When the capacity of the field logistics is a limiting factor, activities related to baseline COAT state variables are given priority. Other projects are thereafter given access based on their scientific quality and complementarity to the COAT science plan.

How to cite the use of COAT physical infrastructure

All access to the physical COAT Infrastructure, including assistance from COAT technical personnel, should be acknowledged when reporting or publishing the resulting work. The recommended citation is:  

This research was undertaken using COAT Research Infrastructure (www.coat.no) in [insert relevant locality Svalbard/Varanger] and with assistance from COAT personnel (names of any contributing persons not included as co-authors).


Weather stations and exclosuers are parts of the COAT data sampling system. Photos: Jan Erik Knutsen and Kari Anne Bråthen.