COAT Svalbard is served by the Operations- and logistics department of the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) in Longyearbyen. They offer a variety of logistics to internal and external users. Please visit NPI Logistics for a catalogue of logistics items and prices, terms of rental agreement etc.
Permits to travel and to conduct science in Svalbard are dependent on applications sent to the Governor of Svalbard. Please find more information on the Governor of Svalbard’s webpage or in the guidelines for researchers in Svalbard.
Access to COAT logistics is pending on external users’ capacity to work in the Arctic conditions and to follow NPI safety guidelines, hereunder filling out an Expedition Fact sheet, a risk-and vulnerability analysis and fulfill an avalanche course and shooting course given by the NPI Operations- and Logistics department. COAT does not provide Arctic Field Safety training, but expects the applicant projects to take part in safety training given regularly by experienced consortium partners (e.g. NPI and UNIS). For more information please visit NPI logistics and UNIS Health, safety and environment (HSE).
External users of the COAT field logistics are required to cover the necessary costs use of field stations and transport vehicles of field personnel or employ additional field personnel, maintenance of the equipment they use and field safety training. Price per unit time use of field logistics follows the tariffs of NPI for Svalbard. Find more information at NPI logistics.