Moth outbreaks at Varanger peninsula have spread to salix shrub
29. June 2018

In recent years there has been large moth outbreaks in the birch forest west of Vadsø, now the outbreaks have spread to salix shrub and several of the shrub areas east of Vadsø have been completely defoliated.


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First recording of scarce umber moth in Northern-Finland
18. June 2018 Every autumn since 1972, researchers from Kevo Subarctic Research Station (Univ. Turku), have been trapping moth and other butterflies in light traps. At the moment they are sorting the material from 2014, and guess what turned up? A scarce umber moth! This is the first ever recording of the species from Kevo and Inari Lapland, and the northernmost find from a continental area.

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