Field report from COAT Finnmark
22. August 2024

The COAT field season is well underway, and several fieldworks have already been completed. Here is a brief report from some of them that took place in Finnmark.

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Herbivores share less than 2 % of vegetated Svalbard tundra
25. April 2024 A new study from COAT uncovers suitability of habitats for the three key herbivorous species in the Norwegian high Arctic Island group Svalbard: the Svalbard reindeer, the Svalbard rock ptarmigan, and pink-footed goose. Only a small fraction of the vegetated tundra was suitable for these species combined. Management and conservation of Svalbard tundra needs therefore to consider...

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Fram Forum 2024
15. March 2024 COAT contributes with two articles to FRAM FORUM 2024, which was launched on 14 March. The magazine contains knowledge and research produced by the institutions at the Fram Centre, FRAM - High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment. The two COAT articles is first a prortrait interview with COAT leader and professor in ecology Rolf Anker Ims: An ecosystem guy in the era of...

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COAT aims to give robust documentation and predictions on climate change impacts on biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystem processes in the Norwegian Arctic, as a basis for management interventions and adaptations.