COAT researchers win the first Fægri price
13. December 2019

COAT researchers Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad and Jane Uhd Jepsen have won the first Fægri price for an article on geometrid moths in the Norwegian popular science journal Naturen.

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Implementation of research infrastructure – update from COAT Svalbard
8. October 2019

COAT Svalbard has now implemented and operationalized several types of research infrastructure in the core areas in Nordenskiöld Land and in Brøgger Peninsula.

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New small rodent exclosures by COAT Varanger
27. September 2019

COAT Varanger has established small rodent exclosures that distinguish between direct and indirect climate impacts on vegetation.

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Deployment of CO2 sensors
28. August 2019

As a part of the project COAT-Tools we are collaborating with the department of computer science here at UiT. They are working on sensor technology that can help us collect the data we need in an efficient way.

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Dispersal movement of a COAT-instrumented Arctic fox went viral
2. August 2019 Climate change is expected to impact area use and dispersal movements in Arctic animals, and this is best documented by means of satellite-transmitters. Such instruments equipped on species like reindeer and Arctic fox constitute therefore a component of COAT infrastructure, which are financed by the Research Council of Norway and Tromsø Research Foundation. The retreat of sea ice around...

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COAT researchers in lead of pan-Arctic assessments of status of lemming and ptarmigan populations
26. July 2019 The working groups of the Arctic Council conduct periodic assessments of state of the Arctic environment. In 2013, COAT researcher led a comprehensive assessment of Arctic tundra ecosystem (Ims et al. 2013). Now new assessments have been made for some circumpolarly distributed and ecologically important species groups in these ecosystems. Eva Fuglei and John-André Henden led the assessment of...

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Declining tundra bird populations linked to Arctic greening
1. July 2019 Many arctic bird populations have declined substantially during the last decades. Preliminary analyses in connection with the development of an ecosystem-based assessment system for Norwegian arctic tundra have shown that this also applies to COAT’s intensive monitoring sites in Varanger Peninsula. Many bird species are particularly vulnerable during the breeding season, and especially those...

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Spring-fieldwork in Varanger
23. May 2019

In the end of April COAT Varanger conducted its spring-fieldwork. This year the spring-fieldwork consisted of the yearly deployment of sound stations by the ptarmigan module and start-up of monitoring of breeding locations for Gyrfalcon and Ravens.

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19. December 2018

NEW! COAT CASE STORIES are short popular handouts from COAT. This second COAT CASE STORY about the community-based actions against an invasive rodent and its zoonotic parasite in Longyearbyen is available in english. 

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An uncertain future for the mountain birch forest
17. December 2018

Outbreaks by geometrid moths have caused extensive damage to mountain birch forest in northern Scandinavia during the last 15 years. A new study helps to explain why the damage has been so severe and suggests that the forest may fail to recover in the most heavily affected areas.

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First recording of a breeding introduced arctic fox on Varanger Peninsula
19. November 2018

Screening of the photos from trail cameras has just revealed that one arctic fox litter was born on Varanger Peninsula this summer.

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Weather stations up and running!
6. November 2018 We proudly announce that the first three COAT weather stations at the Varanger peninsula are now installed. They started transmitting data during the first week of October. The stations are located in the birch forest in Bergebydalen (150 masl), in the tall shrub zone in Torvhaugdalen (268 masl) and at the top of Reinhaugen (470 masl). Links to the stations will be available at the COAT...

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Moth outbreaks at Varanger peninsula have spread to salix shrub
29. June 2018

In recent years there has been large moth outbreaks in the birch forest west of Vadsø, now the outbreaks have spread to salix shrub and several of the shrub areas east of Vadsø have been completely defoliated.


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First recording of scarce umber moth in Northern-Finland
18. June 2018 Every autumn since 1972, researchers from Kevo Subarctic Research Station (Univ. Turku), have been trapping moth and other butterflies in light traps. At the moment they are sorting the material from 2014, and guess what turned up? A scarce umber moth! This is the first ever recording of the species from Kevo and Inari Lapland, and the northernmost find from a continental area.

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24. May 2018

COAT CASE STORIES are short popular handouts from COAT covering a variety of topics related to COAT research and infrastructure development, field activities, monitoring methods or particular occurrences that we consider of broad interest. The first case story is about critical transistions in ecotone forests driven by pest outbreaks.

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Available position in COAT
24. May 2018 COAT has a available position as Advisor. The position will mainly have the responsibility for to har en ledig stilling som Rådgiver. The position will mainly have two areas of responsibility; research administration and dissemination. See the annoncement at jobbnorge.no

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